Individual Applicant

Applying for Medicaid is Complex.
Utterly overwhelming.

It Doesn’t Have To Be.

The medicaid Process...Simple!
applying for medicaid usually means months of nail-biting stress:
  • Spending hours and hours tracking down paperwork for all financial accounts and expenditures
  • Facing delays for missing or incorrectly presented documents
  • Struggling to navigate a complicated, involved and incredibly stressful process
While worrying about doing something wrong. After all that, your application might be denied. Because there was something you didn’t know or didn’t present properly.
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no-obligation consultation
Experience peace of mind so you can focus on the person you love by handing over the full burden and responsibility.
  • Provide a free in-depth consultation
  • Meet with you at the time and place of your convenience
  • Gather ALL documentation
  • Apply on your behalf
  • Keep you notified with updates

Get Clarity About Medicaid!

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At first I had the same reaction that each person might have, I can do this myself. I was wrong.

SPS’s knowledge was invaluable. They prepared me with exactly what was expected of me each step of the way.
They took the lead on calls to government agencies, banks and financial institutions and gathered all the required information for the Medicaid process.
It was a trying time, and their compassion and help got us through.
No, I couldn’t have done it without them.”
-ed o'connor

Yes! Help me get clarity about applying for Medicaid!

get my free, no-obligation medicaid consultation
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The Medicaid application process sometimes requires legal advice and the assistance of an attorney.
Senior Planning Services does not provide any legal advice or services.
You may wish to consult with an attorney concerning your Medicaid application.
Website by Duvys Media